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Our second group of 200-hr Yoga Teacher Trainees (YTTs), affectionately known as "BETA" are graduating on November 6th! These past nine months have been nothing short of amazing so we're inviting you in on the celebration :) As part of their final practicum, YTTs are to: 1) lead a 60-minute community yoga class; and 2) create and facilitate a Sankofa Seva, a service project applying yoga's ethical principles to address social justice issues. Read below about their amazing work and join their community classes on Sat., Nov. 5th from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Classes are FREE and held IN-STUDIO only!


Upstairs Studio (please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier)


8:30 – 9:30 am                  Solé

10:00 – 11:00 pm              Danielle

11:30 – 12:30 pm              Crystal

1:00  - 2:00 pm                  Bersu

2:30 – 3:30 pm                  Brittany


Downstairs Studio (please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier)


9:00 – 10:00 am               Renee

10:30 – 11:30 am             Hassan

12:00 – 1:00 pm               Billie

1:30 – 2:30  pm                Lauren

3:00 – 4:00 pm                 Sunni


Solé Calá


Community Yoga Class


Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM



Come channel the light you hold within and utilize it to give you power and strength. Finding self-awareness through the breath while allowing it to awaken the body, mind and soul. This class will be a combination of slow vinyasa and restorative to support the energy within, give self-gratitude and deserving love. Open to all levels!

Sankofa Seva Project



Many often forget the power of fun. Not only does it bring people back to simpler times but it stimulates the body, mind and helps us grow in a healthy direction. Through the lens of svadhyaya, Solé cultivated a safe space for artists of all kinds to come, express and let out all that was inside. Encouraging joy, freedom and self-discovery. 


MISSION: To support creatives in their unique perspectives of self and world. Finding avenues to access and release all emotions—-allowing pleasure in the craft they value. 


GOAL: To aid in releasing physical and mental clutter in order to access one's full potential. 


DATE: October 16, 2022

LOCATION: University of Maryland

Renee Davis

Community Yoga Class




Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM



Just as a house needs a strong foundation, so does our mind, body, and spirit.  Our Muladhara or Root chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and security on this life journey.  The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning, “root” and Adhara meaning, “support” or “base”.  Join me for a gentle balancing of the Root chakra through grounding asanas, affirmations, meditation, and color (wear something red)! 

Sankofa Seva Project

Growing Gratitude


Through the lens of santosha, Renee's Sankofa Seva project addresses gratitude community. 


MISSION: To plant the seed of Santosha in childhood with the hope that children will grow into adulthood practicing gratitude.


GOAL: To teach children gratitude practices such as journaling, showing appreciation, art therapy, and self-reflection.


DATE: SEP. - OCT. 2022

LOCATION: Montpelier Elementary School, Laurel, MD.

Danielle Robertson

Community Yoga Class

Sankofa Seva Project




Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

10:00 AM -11:00



Remember how gathering with good people and good music made you feel? This practice is an invitation to all levels to reflect back on those times when we gathered as a village - supported one another; loved one another and felt good. So join in as we strengthen our bodies in support of the warriors in us all; expand our breath and take in the energy of the sun; and flow like nobody's watching to a multi-generational playlist - something for the young and the young at heart.



Through the lens of Asteya, Danielle will discuss health disparities and the importance of good health and wellness for the growth of our families and to sustain our village. If it takes a village to raise a child, who will be the village if our health status continues to decline?


MISSION: To bring awareness to the health disparities that impact communities (of color)  and correlate how these disparities diminish our communities.  


GOAL: To provide information on the benefits of yoga to the various body systems and the relationship to managing and healing chronic conditions. 




Hassan Brown


Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

10:30 AM -11:30 AM



Feed your inner fighter and athlete with this 60-minute  flow focusing on mobility and agility. Join Hassan for a flow that is both grounding and uplifting! Fighter Flow fuses power vinyasa and martial arts into a sequence that will stimulate your mind + body, and is sure to keep you guessing. This ain’t your typical vinyasa flow. If you’re looking for a fun session with a bit of kick, then you’ve come to the right place. Come through!

Sankofa Seva Project

What's Goin' On?: Building a Community for Black Men for Support, Guidance, and Love


In response to the daily pressures of being a Black man in America, coupled with recent research around adult male loneliness, Hassan's Seva Project, 'What's Goin' On?' integrates the yogic principles of ahimsa (nonviolence) and santosha (contentment) as conduits for cultivating conversations with Black men around health and wellness, accountability, joy, and friendship. The Seva Project drew Black men from across the African diaspora (African-American and Afro-Latino) and various geographies (Miami, Houston, Dallas, Washington DC, Newark, and Baton Rouge) and incorporated music, facilitated discussion, and a visioning exercise.


MISSION: To create a brave space for Black men to build and strengthen friendships, be of service to self and others, and cultivate joy through accountability.


GOAL: To begin a series of conversations rooted in love and accountability where Black men can release their burdens, laugh, and have a listening ear from a committed community. of brothers.


DATE: OCTOBER 26, 2022


Crystal Brown


Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

11:30 AM -12:30 PM



Thich Nhat Hanh said that our true home is what the Buddha called the island of self—the peaceful place inside of us. Join me as we journey within through this all-levels Vinyasa practice designed to help increase flexibility, strengthen and tone muscles, and tune in to your body and mind.

Sankofa Seva Project

Mindful Leadership: Love and Compassion for Ourselves, Co-Workers, and Everyone Around Us


The modern workplace, which accounts for upwards of half of our waking hours, is often a source of intense stress, anxiety, and burnout. Practicing the jewel of ahimsa, Crystal’s Sankofa Seva project seeks to address the mental and physical health impact of work on our minds and bodies.


MISSION: To share mindfulness tools, guided meditations, and discussion sessions to support a happier, healthier, more productive workplace and life.


GOAL: To create more profitable organizations through happy, harmonious, and balanced teams.


DATE: OCT. 12, OCT. 26 & NOV. 2

LOCATION: St. Michaels, MD & Virtual

Billie Shabazz


Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



Join me for this Baltimore themed class that will invite you to honor the true meaning of yoga. This gentle vinyasa flow will invite you to warm the body, honor the breath & experience deep relaxation. With a beginner's mind, all levels are welcome!

Sankofa Seva Project

Random Acts of Kindness


“My wish for you is that you continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness” ~Maya Angelou


​Billie's Seva project invites us to practice Random Acts of Kindness through the lens of saucha & aparigraha


MISSION: To become more intentional about our daily interactions so that we may begin to treat ourselves and others with a bit more love & kindness.


GOAL: To encourage the online & Bowie State University communities to practice at least one act of kindness. Through these expressions of care & kindness we might all vibe a little higher!


DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2022

LOCATION: Bowie State University and online.

Bersu Samson


Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM



Join me in this all-levels Vinyasa flow as we explore what it means to return to your true self thru breath, meditation and flow. 


“As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets cleaner and cleaner” Rumi

Sankofa Seva Project



So you’ve decided you’re ready to look in the me-rror and you’re not sure whether or not you like what you see.. It can be tough sometimes. But in order for us to live our true, best lives, we first have to know and accept ourselves for who we are. That’s the fertile ground for change. Svadhyaya, self-study, invites us to slow down and look inward. It shows us there is nothing to be afraid of because at our core, we uncover our truest + divine selves.


MISSION: To inspire constant self-study, celebration and equanimity thru the principles of yoga. 


GOAL: o open the world of yoga and encourage adults to not be afraid to peel the layers of self away and to see themselves for the divine beings they are thru conversation, breathwork and body movement. 


DATE: OCT. 20 & OCT. 30

LOCATION: Washington, DC & Virtual

Lauren Allen


Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5th, 2022

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM



This class is designed for all levels. In this class you will have the opportunity to do a Yin yoga sequence for the chakras will help to gently stimulate and balance your energy starts to flow. By the end of this class, you will feel relaxed, stretched, and balanced. 


Sankofa Seva Project

A Journey Within: Examining Black Mental Health & Yoga Principles 


Through a group discussion, we will discuss mental health in the Black community and how we can use yoga principles Asteya and Svdhyaya in our daily lives. Along with the use of breath work.


MISSION: To help those in the Black Community to become more reflective of their time with themselves and ways we can learn to connect with ourselves and Higher Power.  


GOAL: To have an open discussion about our mental health as a community and ways we can work to manage it and support our loved ones. Also, to learn about yoga and ways we can use the principles and breathe in our daily lives. 


DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2022

LOCATION: Wilmington, DE

Brittany Barber-Alexander


Community Yoga Class

90s R&B/Hip Hop Hatha Flow


Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM



This class is designed for all levels in mind. The class will start with a slow good full body stretch. The class should wake you up, make you dance, and challenge yourself in an energetic Hatha Flow exploring your physical abilities then ending with a well-earned Savasana.

Sankofa Seva Project

Yoga for Front Line Workers in Health Care


Brittany's Seva project explores svadhayaya. 


MISSION: To inspire frontline healthcare workers in different setting to use yoga as a way of a personal self-care practice, and to incorporate it into their daily routines like how we encourage and empower our clients to do.


GOAL: To facilitate several private yoga sessions with frontline healthcare workers wherever I could meet them. The goal was to get each person moving since many of us don’t spend enough time intentionally stretching, working out or doing anything to care for our bodies. The other goal was to have each person do some self-study (Svadhyaya) on how they feel mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally before and after our session.


DATES: OCT. 8 - 10 & 22, 2022


Sunni General

Sunni's Photo.png

Community Yoga Class



Sat. Nov. 5, 2022

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM



Join Sunni in a Vinyasa and Yin infused class for all-levels. We will begin by igniting our inner fire through a core focused Vinyasa flow. We will end our practice with a gentle Yin flow reminding us the importance of slowing down, relaxation, and restoring our energy. 

Sankofa Seva Project

The SELF Workshop


The SELF Workshop is a 3-week series for black men exploring Ahimsa and Svadhyaya to help bring self-awareness to the black male community.


MISSION: To share and hold space for each other while engaging in discussion about the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-awareness.  Discussing and practicing a variety of techniques and rituals designed to bring more self-awareness to unlock the pure potentiality and abundance in each participant's life. 


GOAL: To provide each participant with tools and techniques to explore themselves on a deeper level and bring awareness to areas in their lives which can benefit from more love, attention and light. 


DATE: OCT. 3, OCT. 10 & OCT. 17


Thanks for submitting!

Connect to our community to learn more about the upcoming events and services!

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Sankofa Yoga and Wellness Center

302 Main Street | Laurel, MD 20707





Sunday 9:30 am – 12:15 pm

Monday 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Tuesday 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Wednesday 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Thursday 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Friday 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm



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